Author Archives: Karim Naous

How Communists Menace Vital Materials – Presentation Reflection

“How Communists Menace Vital Materials” was created by the Research Institute of America in 1956, which was headed by the United States Congress House Committee on Un-American Activities. The map focuses on the USSR’s use of resources from different regions … Continue reading

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Atlas of the week – Historical Atlas of North America

The ‘Historical Atlas of North America’ compiles notable events which have affected North America across its history into a large collection of maps, ranging from 1832 to 2014. This atlas maps America’s history from its very foundation to its growth … Continue reading

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Blog of the week – All Over the Map

‘All Over the Map’ is a blog  launched by National Geographic and curated by Betsy Mason and Greg Miller. This a cool blog that analyzes maps and cartography from all time periods and from all over the world. It provides … Continue reading

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Empowering WW2 America with the American Airlines system map

It’s 1945. The Second World War is raging, but quickly nearing an end. Europe is in rubble and the world will never be the same again. Millions have tragically lost their lives and the future of the world seems grim. … Continue reading

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