Author Archives: Evyn Magenbauer

Map of the Week: American Deforestation Over The Years ______________________________________________________________ My map of the week showcases American deforestation from 1620 to 1920. This illustration consists of three separate maps that showcase the amount of forest and/or wooded areas across the United States during the years 1620, 1850, … Continue reading

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Atlas of the Week: Global Sports This atlas showcases the different mappings and information on sports across the world. Being a college athlete, sports have always been an important element of my life and have allowed me to recognize how culturally important they are. In … Continue reading

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Link of the Week: Maps of College Football The link above is a mapping site/blog that explains college football through maps. This site includes maps of the geographical areas of teams, the history of college football, playoff expansion, and other information. My favorite part about this site … Continue reading

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