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Spring 2016, Page 9

Paragraph for Project

I have decided to create a map displaying poverty levels in Washington, D.C.. In doing this, I will show the regions of DC with the highest and lowest poverty levels, and how they have changed in the past 20 years. Therefor, I will show a percent chang…

Project Proposal

For my project, I would like to create a map of the urban areas in Richmond that qualify as food deserted areas. Last year, I did a project on this very issue and indeed Richmond has a large problem in terms of the prevalence of food deserted areas, wh…

Project Proposal #1

For my project, I plan to create a map showing the number of female cardiovascular disease deaths per 100,000 population in the United States. Over the past year, I have learned a lot about the large impact of heart disease, especially in the US. While…

My Map Project

For my project, I would like to make a map that identifies the purpose each building serves to the University of Richmond. From studying the map in class, I’ve come to realize that there are ways to make the map more helpful for visitors and prospec…

Impact of Sea Level Rise on Manhattan

As the globe continues to warm and land ice continues to melt, sea levels around the world are expected to increase. In my map project I will be focusing on global sea level rise and how it will affect Manhattan by the year 2100. Also, I will create a…

Project Proposal

For my project, I would like to create a map of Richmond that shows the correlation between diabetes rates and poverty. In my SSIR class, we read an article entitled “Ghetto Miasma” which talked about the relationship between being impover…

Project #1 Plan

For my first project, I want to create a map showing the geographic distribution of the campers at the University of Richmond chapter of Camp Kesem. As a Development Coordinator for Camp Kesem at University of Richmond, I’m interested to know where o…

State Campground maps

My plan for the paper map project is to improve the horrible state campground maps available via the official state campground registrar – Reserve America. From prior family camping trips, we’ve discovered campgrounds far from where the map placed …

Project Proposal

I aim to map the variance in life expectancies throughout Richmond. One map that I will use for reference titled “Short Distances to Large Gaps in Health” highlights how within a five-mile distance in Richmond the difference in life expectancy is t…

Project #1 Proposal

I would like to create a comparative map that displays both the rate of vaccination and the rate of vaccine-preventable outbreaks in the United States. In my previous Introduction to Health Care Studies class, I learned that there is a direct correlati…