Daylight Savings Time

This website discusses the reasons for having daylight savings time in the United States.  The website discusses the history of daylight savings time, daylight savings time’s effect on electricity conservation.  This website goes into detail on the changes that have occurred regarding when daylight savings time occurs and it’s duration, specifically the changes that occurred in 2007 as result of the Energy Policy act passed by the Bush administration.  Link:

4 thoughts on “Daylight Savings Time

  1. This website is very informative; daylight savings is something so routine to my life that I’ve never grasped the importance. Especially interesting is the energy savings that result from daylight savings, which is a great reason to keep it. People may complain about the inconvenience of changing clocks, but the trivial adjustment time is a small tradeoff for energy savings, less traffic accidents, and more daylight during regular waking hours.

  2. As someone born outside the United States, Daylights Savings Time has been somewhat of a mystery to me so on a personal note I can appreciate this post because the website not only explains the way the system works but gives nice overview of the history to the system and why it’s in place.

  3. Just like CM3, I was born and raised outside the U.S. I never knew how Daylight Savings Time worked or why Americans do it. Thanks to your site now I have a better understanding of it and its interesting history

  4. This website was full of interesting facts. I found it fascinating that states like Arizona abstain from Daylight Saving Time, while others like Indiana used to be on two different schedules. I would think that would get very confusing!
    Also, it had never occurred to me that there were environmental reasons for DST. It is amazing how much energy is saved by each day that we follow Daylight Saving Time!
    Great Website!

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