UNESCO World Heritage Sites

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)


Tools of the Geographer

UNESCO is such a great website and one that I wish I had found earlier! This website encompasses all sites that are considered to be a part of the ‘World Heritage List,’ recognizing places that are of “outstanding universal value. ” These sites include those that are considered human masterpieces, monumental developments, testimonies of cultural presence, and architectural remnants. Additionally, these sites are also examples of early human settlements, natural phenomena, historical and ongoing geological process examples, instances of evolutionary biological processes, and biological diversity conservatives.

So why is this site important? Why is this site useful? UNESCO introduces us to the wonders of the world, and does so in a clear, organized way. One page includes an outstanding interactive map. This tool presents a global map with points of varying shape and color, representing World Heritage Sites that are recognized as cultural, natural, or both cultural and natural sites. They are further divided into those places that are in danger and those that are not.

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Simply by selecting a point, you are given the site’s name and a representative picture. By clicking on this icon, you are taken to another page that has the site’s description and additional information, including maps, documents regarding the importance and history of the site, as well as additional photos and videos.

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UNESCO’s aim is to educate its viewers on these heritage sites in the hope that people may be able to recognize, safeguard, and preserve these locations. So, viewers, take a look, take action, and enjoy!

2 thoughts on “UNESCO World Heritage Sites

  1. UNESCO’s site is very easy to use. It lays out all the information in a really organized and easy to find manner. I particularly liked the World Heritage site statistics, Europe has the largest amount of the recognized heritage sites.

    I enjoyed browsing through the page and learning about places now I want to go visit!
    I look forward to taking more advantage of this site!


  2. This site is so cool. It’s really great to be able to see that there are so many naturally beautiful places in the world. Plus, there is an amazing amount of information about each site.

    This is like a national park system but for the entire globe. It makes me realize how many great natural sites I have to go visit.


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