‘What Could Disappear’ with Climate Change


One of the most important, most interesting, and sometimes most tragic axioms of physical geography is constant change. For the first billion years of its existence, the Earth was shaped and affected by its own natural processes (with the occasional extraterrestrial impact).
As life began to colonize this planet, plants and animals began to make their own impacts and find their own niches in the new, all-encompassing system called the “biosphere.”
Humans are just current the most prominent of the many animals living on, and affecting the Earth. However, our technology will relatively soon bring about destruction to our own habitats if we do not change our ways.
This interactive web page from the New York Times projects the percentage of America’s major cities that would be flooded from several possible scenarios of sea level rise. Sadly, each of these major theoretical rises in sea level could happen in just a few centuries if we do not control anthropocentric global warming.
It is a fun feature to play with, but it also sobering and depressing. Hopefully, however, it will be inspiring too.

One thought on “‘What Could Disappear’ with Climate Change

  1. This is a fun webiste to play around with, but very depressing. I could not believe how much flooding would occur from 5 feet of water. Areas like New Orleans and Miami Beach would be flooded. When I increased the sea level rise by 25 feet I saw that 100% of Norfolk and 99% of Virginia Beach would be flooded. Amost all the coastal areas in the U.S. would be flooded to some degree with a 25 foot rise in sea level. Although a sea level rise of 25 feet is centuries away it is hard to imagine the impact this would have on the human population. Sense much of the coastal areas are heavily populated, many people would be forced to relocate and start a new life. Rising sea levels are a serious problem in the future and we need to start planning ways to reduce the rising sea levels.

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