The Daily Climate

This website is dedicated to informing the public about climate change, its impacts, and any new or existing solutions.  The Daily Climate pulls from many different sources to consolidate news and information about climate change all in one place.  The email list sends a concise list of climate-related news events that have happened recently, in an unbiased and informative manner.

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There is a lot of news from domestic and international sources that give the reader a big-picture view of the progress the world is making as a whole to stop the effects of climate change.

The authors of these articles are most often scientific writers with a history of environmental journalism or climate science.  This offers The Daily Climate credibility to their publication as the information they present is going to be well documented from reliable sources that know what they’re talking about.

For anyone seeking information on climate change and the science behind it, the Daily Climate is the first place they should go.  Deniers and believers alike can use this source to better inform their life decisions and take action to help save the Earth.


PS. check out how relevant the first article on the website is:

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2 thoughts on “The Daily Climate

  1. I really like how this website makes current and scientific news very understandable for the average reader. Often, jargon makes it difficult for the everyday person to understand the full scope of environmental and geographic news.

  2. Hi,

    I have actually been checking out the site for a few months now and try to read it a few times a week. I think it has some awesome and wide variety of articles all related to climate change and aspects related to climbate change.

    In particular, I really like how it aggregates a wide variety of sources for articles relating to climate change. Some of the articles are very scientific-based, but many of the other articles are more based on policy or geowngineering. The wide range of sources allows different perspectives on climate change, which is often polarizing and can be biased.

    I hope other people in the class take note of this website.



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