Census of Marine Life

 Free Stock Photo of Ocean Birds This is the official website of the Census of Marine Life, an international scientific initiative that is seeking to catalog marine biodiversity and explain the various distribution patterns of marine life.  There is a map that shows all the different sites that are being researched, along with color codes that show the boundaries of the site regions.  Clicking on the acronyms next to the color swatches on the left side of the map, will give a brief description of the work being done there, as well as a link to the individual site’s webpage. The main COML site has a photo gallery of some pretty crazy looking marine species, as well as a description of the research they have done.  The full report of the census will be released this October, so there is definitely going to be some cool things coming out of the organization leading up to this release.  People should definitely give this a look, if only to check out the pictures.