Bioshock Infinite (Rachel)

After continuing to play the game, I have become even more interested in the story and I like the game a lot. The story aspect of the game makes it interesting to play, it makes the player feel like their choices really matter. I am interested to find out more about the backstory of Columbia […]

Bioshock (Blue Ribbon through Battleship Bay)

Firstly, I would just to point out how much longer this section was than the last section. Now, some of it may have been from how long I spent looting, but It was definitely longer. Not to say that I didn’t enjoy my time playing. While the fights gave me an adrenalin rush, what I really […]

Bioshock Infinite

One major aspect of Bioshock Infinite that I loved from the start was the narrative they built around the game. Dissimilar to Portal which dropped you into a cube and had the “figure it out yourself” feel, the beginning of Bioshock began with a story and put the player into a setting. Having this story […]

Violence In Video Games

After reading all of the articles, I can understand where each author is coming from in the argument, but I came to my own personal opinion that video games do not cause violence. Most of these articles support my idea, but I want to give a quick explanation of my experiences with video games in […]

VG Violence/Bioshock Infinite (Jaclyn)

The four articles we read address the common conception that violence in video games promotes violent behavior in players. The main point made across the articles is that there is no proven correlation between violence in video games and violent behavior in the real world. Despite claims that VG violence increases aggression across younger generations, […]

Violence in VG & BioShock

The four readings for today all discussed the effect of violent video games in our society. I found the article “Violent video games make people violent. But so do pictures of snakes” to be particularly interesting. This article compared the rush after playing a video game to the feeling during athletic competitions or seeing something […]

Violence in Games/ BioShock (James)

CORRELATION DOES NOT PROVE CAUSATION. If anyone has taken any psychology class ever, every teacher makes sure that this fact is hammered into your head. Reading through these articles, it seems that people were looking for a singular scape goat for all the problems of violence that happen, but when something happens there are multiple […]

VG Violence

Aside from playing Pokemon and Mario on my gameboy, the shooter genre was my first taste of the world of video games. I would play Halo, GTA, and COD with my much older cousins (to my mother’s dismay) and have a good time while they kicked my ass in multiplayer. I’ve been surrounded by these […]

Portal Ending

More so than the difficulty of the game, though it was incredibly difficult don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed how the game set up its world. particularly in the last chamber/escape route when Chell is running away and getting to the heart of GLADUS, I loved the one part where GLADUS said something like […]

Ending of Portal

The last few levels of portal got pretty hard, the addition of the rocket launcher bot. I’m not proud of it but for the longest time I thought I had to kill it. I even tried making it shoot itself but it just didn’t. After I finally realized I had to make it shoot the […]