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Chereese Harrison

Final Thoughts…. :)

The thing I have enjoyed most about this class is its honesty. When I learned school technology was on the course list, …

A Commitment to Lifelong Learning

Dear Faculty and Staff, My hope is that our approach to professional development this school year will be intentional and purposeful. It …

PD Model- ROUGH Draft

When implementing technology, I think it is important for teachers to feel confident and comfortable. The flow chart above is a little …

Passion Project Reflection

So, I’ve spoken to some students about teaming up with me to rebrand our school. Basically, the collective answer was: ummmmm…..NO. I …

No Brainer…

“The best advocates for schools is always the students.  Giving them opportunities to help create your digital identity is a no brainer.”- George Couros …

Tech doesn’t only replace!

“The beauty of our instructional model is that the teacher is not replaced—they’re multiplied.” When CCPS rolled out the one-to-one initiative and …

Chereese & Technology

Greetings, I love technology, and I am a tad bit addicted. I love learning new programs and using them in and out …