Final Thoughts

I am writing this after the first day of the VSTE conference!  Wow!  It was amazing to sit in those conference rooms and have a really good handle on what the presenters were saying and demonstrating for us.  Of course, I picked sessions with topics I wanted to know more about; Flipgrid, Nearpod and blended learning.  I think my big take away from this class is knowing that our education system really is moving in a different direction.  In order to truly meet students where they are and to keep them engaged in learning we must change how we are teaching them.  Before this class I did not realize just how much blended learning was going on already.  This is an area I want to continue to explore and experiment.  I’ve also learned that as an education leader I would like to see professional development redesigned.  Teachers do not want to sit for hours no more than the students do.  For continued professional growth the PD must be relevant and engaging.  Teachers need time to be creative and supported when needed.  I’ve also learned that as a building leader I will need to foster innovation and creativity.  This has been a great class – thank you!