Graduating Senior – Lucy Zhou

The last of the class of 2021 from the Pollock lab is biology major, Lucy Zhou. Lucy is probably the most independent student that has worked in the lab over the years. During summer 2019, she joined in on the MEMO project in a new (and synthetic direction). It is...

Graduating Senior – Suraj Bala

Next up in the highlights of the class of 2021 is Suraj Bala. Suraj joined the group through a round about way on a collaboration with Dr. Kristine Nolin. He worked in the lab the summer after his first year (2018 – wow, that feels like so long ago!) and...

A new MEMO publication

I would say the latest publication from the lab (accepted in mid-December) was a long time coming. Kristen started the virtual screening when she was working as a post-bac in spring 2018. Then Courtney took a hold of the screening and was a machine in her 384-well...

Graduating Senior : Joseph McEachon

And the second (and last) 2020 graduate of the Pollock lab is chemistry major Joseph McEachon. Joseph joined the research lab during his first year at UR. I like to say that he was chosen to join the lab for 2 main reasons: 1) He is a man and the rest of the lab...