Exciting News for Joann!

I’m torn about whether this is good news or bad news. Joann Chongsaritsinsuk was selected to participate in the Summer Research – Early Identification Program (SR-EIP) from the Leadership Alliance. When she first told me she wanted to apply, I was hesitate...

The Murray Inspiration Award – Kiana Gunn

I get to work with some of the most amazing students.  This past weekend, the University of Richmond held its first annual Black Excellence Gala. From the pictures I’ve seen, and the reports from those who attended, it was a wonderful night of celebration. 50...

Ring Flips of Chair Conformations

I’m back in the lecture classroom again this semester — I was on research leave Spring 2018 and have been teaching biochemistry labs and my chemical biology discussion-based course in Fall 2017/2018. I have two sections of the first semester of organic...


Fair warning — this is going to be a long post. Earlier this month, I traveled with 7 of my research students to Augusta, Georgia for the 70th annual Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. I gave a talk and they all did posters. We...


You’ve heard me talk about it a lot — collaboration, collaboration, collaboration. It is the foundation of all my science. My undergraduate collaborators help me to become a better teacher, my off-campus collaborators help me to analyze difficult data, my...