Graduating Senior – Sydney Robinson

Sydney Robinson is a graduating BMB major that I have known since her second semester at UR. She is a part of a special group of students that I taught in organic I, organic II, biochemistry, and biochemistry lab. When you teach students in so many courses, you really...

Graduating Senior – Than Thar Aye

Another year has come and (almost) gone. I’ve been on sabbatical working in the lab myself this semester so the last week of classes has really snuck up on me. However, I am excited to once again share with you the remarkable graduating seniors of the class of...

Alumni Earn PhD!

Talk about making a person feel old! Two of the Pollock lab alumni have earned their doctorates of philosophy in chemistry this month.Dr. Hyejin Park was one of my first research students (graduated in 2017 as a BMB major). I was lucky to zoom into her defense last...

A new paper!

If you follow my research accomplishments, you will see that I dabble in a variety of subjects and techniques. As a trained chemical biologist, I’d say I’m a jack of all trades (maybe a master of none?). When you talk to my students, they would probably...