The Academic Job Market

We are in the midst of a search for a new tenure-track faculty member in biochemistry at UR. As I’m reading through cover letters, CVs, teaching statements, and research statements, I have been transported back to sitting in my apartment in Champaign, IL (or the...

A summer of mutations…

…protein mutations. For a couple of projects this summer, the students were tasked to generate mutations of our proteins of interest. For those of you who have produced mutations before, you know that it take a number of steps including primer design, PCR,...

Summer 2017 Lab Party

As it has become tradition, we had a lab party at Pollock’s house to celebrate the middle of the summer research period. We ate good food, played badminton and frisbee, and talked about binge-able TV shows. The weather was beautiful and besides a few bug bites,...


The Pollock lab has been awarded a grant from the Jeffress Memorial Trust! I am excited to continue to develop our understanding of protein-protein interactions that are governed by phosphorylation and to collaborate with Prof. Carol Parish on computational aspects of...

Summer Research 2017

We are officially at the end of week 3 of the 10 week summer research period! Here is what has happened so far: Six permanent members of the Pollock lab have hit the ground running (see the student tab above for photos!). Maddie has returned for her third summer and...

Another semester done!

Six semesters, three academic years, two summers of research (with the third rapidly approaching), twenty student poster presentations (on campus and off campus), fifteen class sections, two hundred and forty six students, sixteen advisees, a whole bunch of...

Graduating Senior: James Henry

When you have a lab that focuses on breast cancer (amidst others) and has a pink ribbon as lab logo, it is very easy to recruit female members; peruse through our photos and you can certainly see a gender bias. It takes a special man to not only join the lab, but...

Graduating Senior: Kristen Rubenstein

Kristen Rubenstein is a Biology major with a concentration in neuroscience graduating in May 2017. She joined the lab through a round about way. As a neuroscience concentration student, Kristen was looking to expand her research in Jonathan Dattlebaum’s lab to a...