ArcGIS Story Map on Networks- Bella Kjellen

For my story map, I decided to explore the media keyword Network. My story map describes what a network truly is and the components which make up social networks. I then cover real-world examples of social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, The Social Network, and the Netflix documentary “Don’t F**k With Cats”. I chose networks because I think that it is a very important concept when thinking about communication studies and media. The idea of networks creating inner webs within our large population is extremely fascinating to me, as well as how networks have been globalized through social media. I think that there is a lot of benefits with online network systems (as seen in the embedded documentary) and this has aided our society heavily. While Facebook is slightly outdated compared to other platforms such as Snapchat or Instagram, situations such as the 5-hour Facebook shutdown that happened a few months ago, highlight the true importance of networks on both a social and economic scale. Networks hold the power of managing interpersonal connections, creating opportunities, and giving everyone a place in society. The relational hierarchy is dependent on user interaction and essentially highlights the interests of the world. As a whole, networks are a great way to map out the interactions and connections of our fast-paced and information-filled society.

Link to my story map: 

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