Network- Bella Kjellen

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Networks are a complex system of connection which ultimately is built on the foundation of mutual interest. Networks in whole are a system of individual hierarchies and discovery which places one higher on this array of power; within a network, diversity, and openness are embraced, as those who receive the most connection and information are those with the most power. Whether it be credibility or even just a dependent emotional connection with individuals, one who can provide and present compelling opinions or perspectives are the ones who move their way up the network fastest. The actor-network theory depicts the importance of numbers within networks. Power is determinant in relation to mass, and therefore the more information provided, the more potential of gained power. The social media app LinkedIn provides a network for American businesses and employment connections. On this platform, users input personal data (successes, interests, education history) in order to connect with those in high job positions in their field of interest or present themselves to companies in need of employment. In order to find success within a network (ie. obtaining a job) such as this, one needs to fully embrace its identity and subjectivity in the form of personal information. LinkedIn is dependent on numbers in order to help its users get the best results and influence. This system is similar to that of Instagram whose users are compelled to post their personal information with the intent of gaining recognition and moving up the network’s hierarchy. With this kept in mind, I wonder about the full potential of networks. Is there ever an end to a network, and if so, is it at a point of downfall? 

How LinkedIn Works to Help Your Career and Business

1 thought on “Network- Bella Kjellen

  1. Abigail Bangs

    Honestly, referring the your proposed question at the end of your post, I think that while networks may be inherently limitless, as spoken about in class, there will always be nodes created upon nodes, stemming from one particular thing, which then creates a network. The infinite nodes signify a limitless path where networking can go, however, I believe that after some point, the network will reach a plateau of some sorts, and begin to downfall. While the limit of networks is limitless, the promotion, or in other words, the benefit of a certain network, is limited. For example, if the network in question is facebook, the relationships and connections constructed within facebook are, if not then almost, limitless. However, the viewership of facebook has been declining due to the generational shift to other forms of social media. Therefore, while facebook itself is limitless, the rating and promotion of facebook is limited.

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