Act 1, Week 1

This week was really good, and it got me more excited about the project. Going into our first meeting I was anxious about if our kids were going to be engaged, or if they were going to want to participate. But, they are so excited about the project, and they have so many amazing ideas. The challenge will definitely be figuring out how to bring their ideas into our adaptation and how to make things make sense with the rest of the play. I am a little concerned about equity within the class, I want to make sure that the girls are being heard as much as the boys. There was one boy who had really good ideas, but he didn’t use the raise hand feature like the other students were. I want to make sure that he isn’t talking over other people in the future. Going forward I want to create a few more boundaries so that we are using our time really efficiently. I initially thought an hour sounded like a lot, but now it feels like we honestly could have gone for another hour.