Post #4

Last Wednesday meeting we only had 2 show but that was okay. We made due! Dennis played about 4 different audience members while Rachel was happily and proudly the Moon. One of our members is so enthusiastic about our play and she’s just adorable. She brought in a wall costume sheet where she cut a head hole and drew sharpie on it so it really does look like a wall. She also brought me a scarf that we need to later make look bloody when the lion attacks my scarf. She also brought Rachel a dog leash with an invisible dog which I think she’s really happy about. But I do think she wants to put a real dog in it or just a stuffed animal. I vote for the real dog, specificially Rosie!! But we shall see if we get lucky. Overall it went very well. We practiced the play within the play and only with 4 actors so it was fun to improv some!