Utopia is not just a place, it is a built environment. While re-reading my sources, keeping this in mind, I began to interpret my sources a little differently. I began to understand that every detail of the community is supposed to work together in the…
In my primary sources, I get the sense of what people during the time thought Utopia meant. In looking at some Utopian leaders like Robert Owen and Frances Wright, it is clear that they understand a utopia as a place of equality and education. Their c…
First of all reading Thomas Moore’s Utopia informs a lot of how I understand what an earlier view of utopia in history sounds like rather than a more modern one. I am able to see Oneida as a further version of what Moore imagined. Moreover, the s…
Throughout this semester, we have each developed our own personal understanding and interpretation of social utopias. In the beginning of the semester, I struggled to form personal opinions and reactions to the readings because I had such limited exper…
Throughout this semester, we have each developed our own personal understanding and interpretation of social utopias. In the beginning of the semester, I struggled to form personal opinions and reactions to the readings because I had such limited exper…
Our understanding of anything that we see, hear, or read is influenced by prior knowledge and the lens through which the experience occurs. Because of this fact of life, the reading of the sources for my seminar paper was also influenced by my recently…
After having learned about social utopias both past and present, it changes my interepretation of my sources. It helps me to understand that utopais change overtime and that what may have been a utopia is defintetly not a utopia now. Also even though t…
I found that when reading the sources I have used in my research paper, there is a common pattern that stems from what I have learned about social utopia, past and present. For me, the most significant take away form this course has been that social ut…
When I came to the conclusion that the editors of The Harbinger decided to limit mentioning the community of Brook Farm to only six times so they could focus on issues that catered to the outside public, it immediately grabbed my attention. The other…
Throughout this semester we have been challenged to interpret and discuss utopia – often in the purest and most original forms, as seen with More and Rousseau. But the actual implementation of utopia is much more complicated and muddy. Through my…