Influence on my Seminar Paper

After having learned about social utopias both past and present, it changes my interepretation of my sources. It helps me to understand that utopais change overtime and that what may have been a utopia is defintetly not a utopia now. Also even though they are called utopias many are not actually happy or in their […]

Is Icaria a Utopia?

Icaria is defined as a utopian community, but is it truly a utopia. I would argue that for the time Icaria was a utopia, especially for women. However, by today’s standards it is no where near a utopia. Women at the time were given many rights such as voting, and education, but in comparison to […]

Hierarchies of My Research

Aside from organizing my information in chronological order I can organize my information by importance. Marie’s first hand account of being a female is particularly important as it and my other source on women will be the basis of information for analysis in my essay. Another particuarly important source is Cabet’s Voyage en Icarie as […]

Why should you care?

Why should anyone care if Icarian women were happy with their society. Well I believe that the Icarian society was ahead of its time when it comes to women’s rights. Women having an education and having a say in government was very rare during that time, but now it is seen all over America. In […]

Finding my Question

After having read my background source on the Icarian community I found the idea of the Icarian culture quite interesting. The background source had mentioned festivals and music which interested me quite a bit as I was curious to whether these cultural events were different than that of normal “American” holidays and music at the […]

What’s Interesting

I find the idea of cultural events within the Icarian community particularly interesting. I also find the thought that these social aspects of the utopia are only second to education wtihtin the community. I am also particularly interested in Cabet’s book as I feel his book will allow me to understand the Icarian community much […]

Class Discussion Questions

Did the inclusion of social event such as outings or promenades help to make the Icarian a more enjoyable Utopia? The Icarians are known for believing that their actions remained in accordance with Cabet’s teachings despite the factions. Did the factions develop stronger communities (despite their short lived existence) or did factions spell the end […]