Additional Study Questions
1. According to More, when is the use of force against heresy justifiable (281-283)?
2. How did Augustine, Jerome, and Henry V approach the problem of heresy (284-285)?
3. What intentions guide the Church’s general approach to heretics, according to More (285)?
4. What role does secular authority play in dealing with heresy (285-286)?
5. Earlier, More examined the compatibility of owning private property and observing the counsels of Christ. Here, More examines the question of punishment and the legitimate use of force, including cases of self-defense, in light of Christ’s words. According to More, do the words of Christ forbid such actions? Explain.
6. In the midst of this discussion of heresy, why does More relate the story of Sandwich Harbor and the “sage old father fool in Kent” (287-288)?
7. What critique of Christian princes does More offer on p. 288? What advice does More give Christian princes in their confrontation with the Turk? 8. Explain More’s interpretation of Christ’s command to “love thy neighbor” on p. 289?