Bioshock 11/25

I did not enjoy this section of the game very much and I am very confused about a lot of things. A lot of surprising things happened in this section of the game. We figure out a little more about the Luttices which leaves me even more confused. They seem to always pop up but they also seem to be helping us still. Are they really on our side? How are they always there, can they travel through tears? They seem to know a lot about everything including the future and the past. A lot of the things they say leave me confused. We also see elizabeth’s “mother” which isn’t really her mother?? She is made up partly by Elizabeths imagination I think. How does Comstock have the power to create Lady Comstock from elizabeths imagination? We also learned “three truths” which taught us some things about the background. for example, Elizabeth isnt even the comstocks daughter, she is just a random girl? How did they hold her hostage for so long? Also I am wondering if Elizabeth has any relation to Booker? Another thing I heard during this level that confused me was an announcement saying something like watch out for any potential dangers and mentioned people wearing glasses?

As for the gameplay I was very annoyed fighting lady Comstock because it seemed to go on forever, she just kept bringing people back from the dead faster than I could kill them. Also, I felt like I was in the same areas over and over again and it was very repetitive. I am also curious what is going to happen with the songbird? I also can’t wait to see how the vision of New York comes into play. I have one final question, if Elizabeth cant choose what tears to make and go into then how will they get back to the original one where Booker owes the debt.

4 Responses

  1. Carson Clark says:

    Every single question you have will soon be answered, so I won’t spoil them. As for the Lady Comstock battle, if you thought that one was non-stop, prepare yourself for the true final boss battle. Song bird will return and we will also soon see New York, just stay tuned.

  2. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    I agree that the Lady Comstock battle was really really long, and it got kind of frustrating. The luttices confuse me because i feel like everything they say hints at a deeper meaning or like hints at an answer to what is going on in the game, but I can never pick up on it. overall, i have just as many questions as you have.

  3. Jeremy Mednik says:

    The Luttices, in my opinion, are the most important mystery. I feel like they hold a lot of power throughout all the dimensions. They can open tears with ease and give the player clues about what is going to happen in the future. I do not necessarily trust their intentions, but I believe that they can make the player’s playthrough easier. As for the Lady Comstock battle, I did not enjoy it. I thought it was long and boring at times. I am wondering why the developers put this into the game because from what I can tell, that fight was not well received by others.

  4. Wogan Snyder says:

    I too found the boss battle with Lady Comstock’s ghost quite aggravating. Due to her revivable ghost soldiers constantly surrounding her, getting to her proved to be a significant challenge. However, I feel that some confrontation with Lady Comstock was necessary to the success of the plot.