Prosperity Plaza to Comstock’s house

I think I am ready to be done with this game. The storyline is enjoyable with all the twists and turns, trying to figure out what, when, and where all at the same time. Of course, it gets confusing like nothing else and frustrating as I try to figure at what, when, and where, all at the same time. I feel like what is adding onto my confusion are just things the developers threw in to make sure there weren’t plot holes, but didn’t thoroughly think out. Like, is Booker now sterile because he has been through a tear like Comstock (not important question just curious) and what is the meaning of everyone being split up from that one dimension? As for Elizabeth’s “mother”, just what the hell. Not only is it confusing to hear the description of what she is (from what I picked up, she is a mixture of Lady Comstock and Elizabeth’s idea of what Lady Comstock is), but it is also super annoying to fight ghost Lady Comstock. Not only does Lady Comstock revive any dead character to fight you, but no matter how many time you destroy the resurrected, she can bring them back quicker than you can kill them. Even blowing off their heads didn’t stop them from coming back. So I resorted to in the end is finding the spot where the AI refused to follow, and sat back with my sniper and shot her until I defeated her.

After dealing with the whole mess of Lady Comstock and telling her that Elizabeth forgives her, etc etc, The damn songbird comes back. Like, I didn’t hear the music, how did it find us. Anyways, it was going to kill me, Elizabeth says sorry for leaving and asks it to take her back and leave me alone. The bird does that and now I have to chase after Elizabeth again. I think Booker is one of the worst escorts ever because he hasn’t lost Elizabeth once, but twice. Which kinda reminds me, what happened to learning about the song so it can actually take us where we want to go? The Lutece twins literally gave us a schematic of a Comstock statue that contains the flute necessary to communicate with the Songbird, but whatever, just keep running and gunning like we have been, that’s useful. Also, another thing I have been thinking about is how we have never returned back to our original dimension, which is the one we need to get back to in order to properly pay off our debt, or at least stop getting headaches and messing with time. Whatever, the game is a good game, but its giving me a headache. I am looking forward to see how everything gets “wrapped up” in the end.

2 Responses

  1. Jeremy Mednik says:

    I’m still enjoying the game but the storyline is getting a little confusing. I think ever since we went to another dimension that the game has gotten confusing. There are so many realities to explore that I have to keep telling myself that we need to go back to our dimension. I am waiting to see more of what Elizabeth can do. She might have more abilities that we have not yet discovered. Also, I am wondering where she will end up by the end of this. Could we be the ones to decide whether to hand her over (the game will give us a decision to make) or not. I can’t wait to see how this game ends.

  2. Alexander Clinton says:

    I think it is very funny that you want to be done with this game. I feel the same way with portal five levels in. The story line as you and Jermey have touched on has become confusing, but I think that the designers wanted it to be a little confusing. I think that the complicated story and it being a shooter game is so cool. Im a huge fan of the game so far.