Bioshock Infinite Tears In Time

We begin to learn more about the Vox in this gaming session of Bioshock Infinite. We are trying to help out the Vox by collecting weapons from this man that appears to be located on a bad part of the city. When we get there, we discover that he has been murdered. Elizabeth suggests making a tear to another reality so another one of the gun makers could help them. When we do, the alternate gunmaker is useless because he doesn’t have his weapons and is destroyed without them. We open one more tear and discover that the alternate gun maker has been killed. The first two realities seemed pretty similar except for the gun maker (can’t remember his name), but the last one was very different. The revolution took place and Booker was a martyr to the cause. There are violent uprisingsĀ and the vox finally have their voice heard. These scenes get us more used to the idea of tear jumping. It could be useful to see how different a reality is from ours and how small changes could have led to the big result: the Butterfly Effect. I feel like this could be useful to help accomplish other missions, by carrying items from one dimension to the others. Although it seems helpful, there could be some downsides to opening tears. Evil threats can get through or one of the main characters could get trapped in there. I can’t wait to see how opening tears will affect the future of the game. For example, will Comstock be able to unleash armies from other realities by opening tears or will Booker and Elizabeth use them to their advantage and bring justice to Columbia.

4 Responses

  1. Rachel Helbling says:

    I also think that the tears are very interesting and could add a lot of other factors for the game. They could be beneficial by bringing items through or escaping. I think they could be useful to us but I feel like its not the best idea to alter reality like this. As you said small things can have big changes. These big changes might not be good for us in the end. I thought that the reality where booker was a martyr was very interesting because everyone thought he was dead but now this version of him was there which can be very confusing. This makes me wonder if other people like our enemies could come back after being dead. Also why does everyone get nosebleeds? I’ll be interested to see what other effects opening these tears can have.

  2. Shanay Amin says:

    Yeah I think some of the tears that Elizabeth can open are pretty cool and still a little bit confusing to me. In everything I have seen about time and reality travel one of the main rules is to not make big of a change so reality doesn’t completely change. I am also excited to find out how Comstock has been using these abilities.

  3. Ahsan Ahmad says:

    I also thought the other dimensions accessed by tears were super interesting! You can really see the Butterfly Effect’s doings as the worlds were wholly different: while one of them had Chen Lin’s wife switch races, the other one was a completely different world with the Vox Populi reigning victorious over Comstock’s kingdom. The Booker of that world had already joined the soil as a martyr for the cause and Daisy’s tyranny was running rampant. Interestingly enough though, we keep switching dimensions anyway, only looking for the one thing we do need and disregarding all of the other changes.

  4. Micaela Willoughby says:

    The tears are very interesting, especially since we are going through them now. And while taking things out and bringing them to their reality is good in theory, they are going inside another reality entirely. The people in there might not have the same requests/needs and Elizabeth even said they may not be able to return! How crazy is it to go to a new world with no promise of return for an airship??? There has to be a better way.