Bioschock Infinite

I’ll start off by saying Shock Jockey is by far my favorite vigor. I feel like a god having the power of lightning and zapping enemies if they threaten me. This vigor becomes even more useful when upgraded and is given the ability to bounce between targets.

As for the actual gameplay, I noticed that at some moments Elizabeth has a somewhat child like innocence at times. Especially when she asks about segregated bathrooms. Does this mean she’s been locked in that tower for her entire life? Just like in real life, you don’t know what you don’t know, and when you don’t you ask questions to figure out a problem. In such cases, ignorance can be pure bliss, but the only way to solve these problems is to be exposed and know how to act.

4 Responses

  1. James Bachmann says:

    Yeah, Elizabeth’s character portrayal is very similar to an innocent child. Since she has been in the tower her whole life, it is kinda expected since she has had no exposure to the outside world, except through the tears. So the way she acts in certain situations can be off putting in that she acts all cuties and happy in a pretty horrible situation, but as you said, ignorance is bliss.

  2. Hyewon Hong says:

    Shock Jockey is 100% my favorite since it doesn’t use that much salt and its pretty spammable. And I do think we can expect Elizabeth to have been in the tower her whole life with nothing but books and tears so I think we can assume that she has a very limited knowledge on the “norm” of the world. Though as we see, she does have a very good knowledge on obscure topics like geography and lock picking from the random skills she developed whilst inside that tower.

  3. Ahsan Ahmad says:

    +1 on Shock Jockey being a 10/10 vigor. Slaying slate was totally worth it. About Elizabeth, she does have that child-like innocence yet snappiness to her. You kind of feel bad for her though because she has been kept chained up in that tower for God knows how long and now she finally gets rescued by someone but there’s still the chance that we’ll just hand her off to our creditors to pay off our debt. On the other hand, I feel like she is immensely powerful in more ways than one and her importance in the story will soon become apparent.

  4. Shanay Amin says:

    Shock Jockey is defiantly the best vigor, even though possessing the turrets are fun shock jokey is just better. I also believe that Elizabeth was trapped in the tower for most of the life she remembers, I think the second they found out about her powers they locked her up in there. Being locked in a tower alone, you won’t know much about the outside world, just like a child. That’s probably why she asks so many questions that seem obvious. They are similar to what a 4 year old would ask.