Bioshock (Blue Ribbon through Battleship Bay)

Firstly, I would just to point out how much longer this section was than the last section. Now, some of it may have been from how long I spent looting, but It was definitely longer. Not to say that I didn’t enjoy my time playing. While the fights gave me an adrenalin rush, what I really loved was walking around, listening to the people talk and discovering the lore of Columbia. I always had a smile on my face when discovering a recording or those mini-movie things. And while the actual content of what people spoke of was awful, it really placed me in the world and gave me a sense that these people had lives outside of standing near a hot dog stand.

As for the gameplay, I find the Vigors very interesting, even though I never use them. I’m typically saving the salt to possess the turrets so I can not worry about them until I’ve cleared out the rest of the area. As for the weapons, I prefer the pistol. It doesn’t have too much recoil, is very accurate (I got the headshot achievement without trying to) and I find it to be extremely reliable. My secondary weapon is the machine gun because I get panicky when 10 different enemies show up, and mowing them down takes much less time. For the actual moving around the stage, I had the most fun when I had to use the skyhook to zoom around the map. I got some excitement from jumping off and then reattaching later to gain some speed.

Now for the story. From the creepy cult area to the angle, to the beach, I had fun where ever I went. It was especially disturbing when I ran into the “John Wilks Booth Cult”, as I like to call it, and saw how this “American paradise” was very much a part of the Gilded Age south. The climb up to where Elizebeth was being kept was very satisfying. Entering the area, seeing all the different experiments, and finding the audio logs made me really wonder what was happening to this poor girl, as well as my connection to her. When I finally reached the outside and saw that I was on the angel, the thing that had dominated the background of most of the scenes, my jaw dropped. My main complaint is that due to the sound kinda… dying a horrible, slow, excruciating death during my entire time playing, I found myself (particularly in the falling scene) thinking, “Wow, this would be so much better with the music.” I feel like this audio hickup is taking away from my experience of the game, making it a lesser one. On the other hand, have what amounts to an escort mission that is fun is a MASSIVE positive to the game.

One Response

  1. Alexander Clinton says:

    I agree that the section was longer but I felt like in the other section besides the lottery that not much else happened. In this section the story set up finally finishes once you find “the girl on Monument Island”. To be honest I still don’t know when to use the salts besides when I try to through a fireball. I’m still trying to adjust. My strategy towards the game is to just try to take cover and isolate fights to one or two guys at a time.