Ending of Portal (Rachel)

These last two levels were by far the most difficult for me. They were very long and time consuming, it took me quite a while to complete the game compared to all of the other levels. There were many points throughout playing were I was VERY frustrated. I still liked the challenge and the puzzle aspect of the game but it was still frustrating. The last two chambers really combined everything that we have done in the game leading up to it and more. Timing was especially important in these chambers.

Through out these levels GLADOS was not helpful at all and the stuff she was staying was very strange and made no sense. I was paying attention at first but was getting more and more frustrated and eventually just blocked her out.

For me the ending of the game was very surprising. It was interesting to see the rest of the building compared to the other test chambers. It was obvious it was some kind of factory but I am still unsure what the point of all the test chambers was and the whole idea of the game. I was not expecting to end up completely outside of the building and have the building completely destroyed at the end. Finally, the song at the end was very strange and unexpected. It had a catchy tune but overall it was kind of weird but also clever I guess haha.

Overall, I really enjoyed playing portal I really liked the challenges it brought and the puzzle style of the game. I felt very accomplished after completing the game. I would like to go back through the levels and try to get more achievements like the radios and see what else the game has to offer.

One Response

  1. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    I agree that the last few levels were VERY frustrating. It took me a really long time to finish the levels but I think the ending of the game was worth it. I think that end of the game really added a real plot line to the game and made the game that much more satisfying to complete, rather than just getting through random puzzles. It was also kind of satisfying to see the building destroyed because it was so frustrating to get through, so I really felt like I “beat” the game.