Portal 11-17

I thought that these chambers were more difficult, due more to the actual controls than the puzzles themselves. I really enjoyed figuring out which strategies to use, which portal to shoot where, but when it came to executing them, I couldn’t use the the keys to make it happen. This was especially frustrating on the last step of chamber 15, when you had to run through a portal to press both buttons and then shoot a portal to make the orb hit the sensor. I figured it out after experimenting with a few different strategies, but it took me almost 30 minutes (this is NOT an exaggeration) to actually accomplish this. I was also super motion sick at this point so that may have contributed to my struggles.

GLADOS was significantly more silent during these levels, and everything that she said was neither helpful nor made any sense at all. She also said something weird during one of the chambers (I can’t remember which one) along the lines of “Thank you for helping us help you”. I wouldn’t say I know exactly is going on with the plot, but both of these things definitely give the game an apocalyptic vibe. I am super excited to play more but am worried about using the more advanced controls as the chambers get more difficult.

5 Responses

  1. Rachel Helbling says:

    I agree that I am still kind of unsure exactly what the whole plot of the game is. And the reasons for what we are doing and the comments glados makes. But I am excited to continue playing and find out all of these things and also to face the new challenges in each of the levels.

  2. Micaela Willoughby says:

    The controls were the worst! Not blaming anyone (game designers or whatever), I doubt they anticipated someone playing this game on the crammed keyboard of a Microsoft surface lmao.

    Also, Glados is definitely something malevolent and I really wonder how Chell got herself into this situation. I’m so curious what the outside world looks like, but I doubt we’ll get to see it. Like, what does knowing that we’re being lied to even accomplish at this point? Can we escape?

  3. Josephine Bossidy says:

    I had the same opinion on Glados. As the game went on, the plot to me became unclear. I thought Glados comments were going to lead me in the right direction, but they did anything but that.

  4. Joseph Sterling says:

    I find the controls to be completely fine, albeit I’m playing on a decently sized PC (I’m still bad at keyboard and mouse though). I also haven’t had any motion sickness problems, but that could be because I don’t get motion sickness easily.

    In terms of the plot, or lack thereof, GLaDOS’s change in frequency and content of comments is certainly thought-provoking. Even more so is the information found in the secret rooms in the chambers.

  5. Hyewon Hong says:

    I think that Gladas, and the game as a whole, is making the whole creepy vibe a little more apparent. The whole set up was always a little sketchy, but GLADUS has been saying some really interesting things. She calls us an android, reminding us that android hell is a real place (possibly true though we might be playing as normal humans), and also encourages us to donate one working organ to girls.