Portal chambers 0 – 10

I’ve been playing video games for a long time now, but typically I am used to playing on a console with a controller. This game was one of the first times I played with a keyboard with the w,a,s,d keys to move around. What made things a whole lot worse is that I left my mouse at home, so I was playing with my track pad which was extremely frustrating and tough. I love solving puzzles and using my brain to getup of thought situations and this game was no exception. It took me some time to get though the first few levels just because I was still figuring out controls. One of the things I had the toughest time with was stopping before getting vaporized by the red gates. After I played bit I learned to make my portals away from them but it did take a little getting used to. I also thought it was a little tough because after I got to some of the later levels they really stopped giving instructions.


For a game released in 2007I thought the graphics were pretty good, however compared to game like Spiderman on the PS4 where you can swing around a perfect replica of New York city it didn’t really stick out to me much. I also enjoyed the white, grey and black color scheme. It’s such a simplistic concept but the portal concept is extremely futuristic. Adding the portals to the games add a new element but it takes some time getting used to thinking about the portals.

5 Responses

  1. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    I also had a hard time adjusting to the controls. There were a few times where I would get myself stuck in a corner or die at the bottom of a level because I would lose control of the track pad or keyboard. The last couple of levels were very challenging for me, so I looked up walkthroughs for some of them. The lack of instructions made the game kind of fun for me, but I got frustrated after being stuck on level 10 for about 25 minutes!

  2. Carson Clark says:

    As a primarily console gamer, using a mouse and ASWD was a sort of new territory for me as well. The whole demeanor of Portal and solving puzzles is fun to me and seeing the elevator at the end of each chamber is rewarding. The simplistic color scheme does give off a bit of a future vibe mostly because of how clean the white and black work together. These first chambers were quite straight forward all things considered, but that will undoubtedly change as I progress further. So far so good.

  3. Alexander Clinton says:

    I have never used WSAD before and I have no mouse so playing with a track pad and those directional controls wasn’t that bad. However, as the chambers get harder Im sure I will have a tougher time trying to driest my movements when flying through portals. In chamber ten when u had to generate enough moment flying down to then fly across to the other sides I struggled with the track pad to direct my fall.

  4. Alexandra Smith says:

    I had also never used WSAD before. I started the first level with no mouse and quickly realized that I personally could not complete ten more chambers, so I borrowed someone else’s mouse. Regardless, I still ended up swinging my view around and making myself nauseous. I spent a lot of time looking at the floor or the ceiling.

  5. Jeremy Mednik says:

    The controls for me were pretty simple to use for me. I was used to playing games on the computer and the games controls reminded me of gmod. I can definetly see why this game is popular and how there are many mods in other games surrounded by the idea of portal. I also thought the graphics were very good for its time and I can tell that there was a lot of work put in to creating this game. I can’t wait to play more and checkout more of the game mechanics.