Bioshock Infinite Finale

(Alert, I wrote a lot…but it will help explain everything)

Finally. Let’s get started. As we are rushing to rescue Elizabeth we are seemingly jumping universes. In the one we finally reach her in, she had lost all hope and become the destructive force Comstock had always wanted her to be. However, she sends us back to the one we can still save, who hasn’t lost hope in Booker. Upon arrival we save her and seek revenge on Comstock. After more fighting (same old shenanigans) we reach the prophet. In a violent rage, Booker kills him. Now for those of you who didn’t pick up right away, Booker’s nose bleeds as soon as Comstock dies, this is because BOOKER IS COMSTOCK. Again, I repeat. BOOKER = COMSTOCK. Now how is this all possible? Well, after the battle of wounded knee, there are two options. Booker Dewitt is Booker Dewitt up until the baptism. Here is where things get freaky. Booker Dewitt will either reject the baptism and remain Booker Dewitt. BUT, because there are infinite universes, in at least one of them, Booker accepts the baptism and is reborn. As who you ask? Why non other than Zachary Hale Comstock. The prophet himself. Continuing on down, in one universe, the poor man is sterile, so no babies. This means there is no heir to his throne. Now, with the help of the Lutece “twins” (they aren’t twins, they’re actually the same person, mind blowing, but for now let’s just use twins) Comstock has the power to jump universes and pull things from each. So, what does a sterile cult leader do with this power? Well, he steals the offspring of one of his many fertile selves in one of infinite universes. The Booker Dewitt we all know and love, who is a drunk, and has gambled to his hearts extent, and owes a shit ton of debt wouldn’t be thinking straight. He goes to give his daughter, ANNA DEWITT to Robert Lutece as a promise that he will wipe away his debt. However, Booker has a “coming to Jesus” moment and realizes he’s giving away his freaking daughter and goes to get her back. As he struggles to get her back, Comstock closes the portal and as it does so, Anna’s finger doesn’t quite make it. This means that she exists in two universes at a single time. This is why she can open tears. Now renamed Elizabeth, Booker is unaware that she is his daughter until the finale.

Now the finale is a little…odd. This is where it is made clear that both Comstock and Booker are the same person. One accepting and one denying the baptism. All the Elizabeths from different universes come to end everything. This being that, they drown Booker. By drowning Booker DeWitt, before he could ever accept or deny the baptism, the chain is broken. So now, Booker DeWitt never remained Booker DeWitt, nor was he ever “reborn” as Zachary Hale Comstock. He is dead. Everything beyond that ceases to exist. That is why we see all the Elizabeths disappear one by one, as the never existed without Booker. I think that was about all I can muster right now, but god only knows I have been waiting to write this blog for a long time. For those of you who actually decided to read this, you’re welcome for possibly becoming more confused!

P.S. Section:

Roll Credits – We finally got to the scene with the dialogue from the very first seconds of gameplay

Jump Scare – Don’t even try to downplay it, that trumpet head dude thing scared the living hell out of me the first time when I turned around.

9 Responses

  1. James Bachmann says:

    I don’t think any amount of explanation will truly make Bioshock Infinite understandable. When you start mixing both time and Dimension shifts, you are going to lose everyone because everything is theoretical and there are a thousand rules that can be applied or ignored depending on the listener. Since the way Bioshock Infinite set up the Infinite dimensions, there should be no way to destroy Comstock. For every dimension where they choose to go out and destroy Comstock, there is the alternative where they choose to leave him alone, heck, even try and save him. This is all just one mind trip that is making me feel as if I am going to get a bloody nose if I try and think about this too hard and logically because clearly nothing here is logical.

  2. Joseph Sterling says:

    I too was spooked by the trumpet head guy, who summoned the wrong bullet depositories (the inconsistencies started early). The final battle was horribly executed. Wave after wave of patriots with the only way to see progress being Elizebeth pointing to new things to sick our attack-bird… robot… thing on. We never get an explanation. We also don’t know where this universe Elliebeth is. Since the tower isn’t destroyed, are we to assume that we song-birded her? The ending makes no sense and is not consistent with the rules set up earlier in the game. I can’t see anyone thinking it was good.

    • Carson Clark says:

      the only way the ending would have truly made sense is if all the elizabeths disappeared, and basically making everything never exist, but that still screws everything up and don’t feel like going there. The DLC is very important as it explains kinda what goes on after with the remaining Elizabeth (she’s basically a vengeful psychopath) who goes back in time to the start of Rapture and its hay-day. I recommend at least watching Burial at Sea to get the gist.

  3. Ahsan Ahmad says:

    Honestly screw trumpet head guy and his minions. That was the worst battle section of the entire game and I don’t even know how I managed to survive it. Your explanation of the ending is quite good for the people that are still left confused by it, although there doesn’t seem to be any explanation for that one universe where all of this didn’t happen and the whole Comstock fiesta is still going on. Nonetheless, the game was pretty well-made and the plot was enjoyable till the end (or for some people, right up till before the end)

    • Carson Clark says:

      Thank you, it really took a toll on me knowing the end this entire time, so this post has been a long time coming. I cant explain how many times I ran out of ammo my first play-through with the trumpet guys, but the second time I just snuck around them and was fine. I recommend looking into the DLC Burial at Sea as it explains what happens to that final remaining Elizabeth who didn’t disappear. While people didn’t all enjoy the ending, I personally liked it because it left me on a cliff hanger, left to my own interpretation. Which, may be annoying to some, made it that much more fun to me.

  4. Hyewon Hong says:

    Haha, I’m glad you’re finally able to air your feelings on the ending after being patient for so long. It does make me happy that the game is over, no offense to the game developers, but as commonly cited the fighting was getting fairly repetitive and honestly I wasn’t the biggest fan of the final fight sequence. A tad controversially I also didn’t really like the ending narrative as it felt a little contrived, though I suppose with multiverse theory everything and anything can happen so ~~~

    • Rachel Helbling says:

      Thank you so much for this explanation it actually makes a lot of sense. Obviously, there are still many things to be confused about and ask questions about but this really helped me get the basic idea of what the game was trying to show. What is still confusing is the fact that there are infinite universes so aren’t there some where Booker was not drowned??

    • Carson Clark says:

      The game was very run and gun and then very slow and wait. So that got old really fast. Not to mention that damned final boss battle. The onslaught that never ended was just annoying, and Songbird was barely anywhere to be seen when we needed help. That final scene is indeed very confusing, so I recommend your look into Burial at Sea, the DLC, as to understand that final Elizabeth that didnt disappear. Her vengeance is obviously taking over her demeanor, and it is interesting to watch it at work.