Bioshock Inf. Prosperity Plaza-Comstock House (Micaela)

I am writing this like 15 minutes after exorcizing Lady Comstock’s ghost from the flying city of Colombia. Fighting Ghost Lady Comstock was horrible, corpses were flying… she was flying… I was so angry the whole time, and Elizabeth kept giving me ammo when I needed health… I died, a lot. Also, I was motion sick the whole time because the screen I play on at home is way bigger than my monitor… I’ll stop venting now.

The little snippets of information we got from the tears were interesting. I like that we are finally learning about the twins’ background because they are very curious. I wonder why they aren’t losing their minds like most people, or why they aren’t screaming for vengeance (maybe that’s why they’re helping us? Vengeance? Or… just for science?).

Elizabeth is showing more of her dark side, she was really ready to cut off her dead Mom’s hand. And I gotta wonder what they did to her than made her think she was dead… that’s not just something to slip into convo, Elizabeth. Maybe it was something like what we saw in the crypt? The machines that made her clutch her head and all that? Because we saw similar machines in her tower.

Also, the Vox turning against us has proven to be such an inconvenience, as well as disappointing. We are currently destroying reality as with each time-leap… Booker’s debt has finally become irrelevant, and what’s his main concern now? Saving the girl. Never mind the enslaved/indentured minorities, they’re villains now anyway. I hate how the game did that. Maybe we are about to find a bigger fish to fry, but right now… the problems seem a bit small compared to the measures. Like, yes, Elizabeth… your history is interesting and your not-dad is scum, but there’s a lot of suffering that this game built in… just to ignore.

2 Responses

  1. Alexander Clinton says:

    I do agree that the Vox turning on us has been an “inconvenience” as you said but I think that the twists this story line has taken so far have been so crazy. The twists are literally mind blowing with them entering alternate universes. This has made the game so crazy, but so intriguing. I think when was ready to cut off her dead Mom’s hand I really started to realize how crazy the journey of the story has been.

  2. Hyewon Hong says:

    I wonder if we killed more vox when they were are allies if we would fight less of them now? Ghost lady pissed me off to no end omg what a waste of ammo and resources Jesus. I just rushed her with machine guns over and over regardless of if I died and eventually got it over with.