Bioshock Infinite (James)

The game has definitely gotten harder compared to the beginning stages of the game, so in my opinion, it is becoming a lot more enjoyable. The gratification of actually trying to defeat certain areas with actual fear of defeat is now a lot more pleasing than it was in the beginning, where there was none to minimal challenge. The storyline though is the best part of the game. With its progression, you learn a lot of information about Booker, Comstock, and Elizabeth, but at the same time the game allows more questions to arise in order to continue interest in the game. Also, with all the tears allowing for cross dimensional and time interaction, I feel like the game is going to get very convoluted very quickly. Its already is confusing when you just suddenly see different structures pop out of no where just because Elizabeth can call upon them.

But as I said, the game allows for the player to stay hooked by introducing more questions than answers. Like why is AD written on Booker’s hand? Who was it that took Booker’s gambling debts? How is it possible for Elizabeth to control these tears? And so on and so forth. By the game allowing us to piece stuff together and find new riddles to solve, the game drives us to keep playing by the glee of solving things and the desire to solve things. Also, by allowing the player to have more control in how in depth they want to look around for clues, the games dialogue is tailored around the preferences and/or desires of the player of how fast or slow they want the gameplay to be. All in all, I am loving Bioshock because it is a good mix of simple mechanics with more advanced ideas, alongside a really interesting plot line.

2 Responses

  1. Jeremy Mednik says:

    Before reading this, I have not thought too hard on why Elizabeth can open up the tears. Now, I can’t stop thinking of whether or not she was given this ability or was she born with it. I think it would be a useful weapon or escape route rather in the future and is definitely something to consider. As for the AD on Bookers hand, I’ve had this question since the raffle. I am beginning to wonder when we will uncover these clues. Will it be soon or by the end of the game. I guess we’re going to have to wait and see.

  2. Alexandra Smith says:

    The story’s complexity amazes me more and more. I especially love all the details that the designers threw into the game that provide hints as to what is truly going on. I will admit that I usually don’t notice them personally because I am so focused on not dying, but when people bring these observations to class, I have genuine “A-HA” moments on the spot. Even when a fight seems impossible to complete, I continue to fight just to uncover more about Booker and Elizabeth.