Bioshock Infinite: Soldier’s Field through the Aerodrome (meet Daisy)

I’d like to start with some things that I noticed about Elizabeth while playing this section. Sometimes, she’ll do this little skipping animation, which is adorable, but it does take me out of the game a little when she does it through the pile of corpses I just spent so much time accumulating. Also, in addition to my last comment (being about how the game is an escort mission that is actually FUN), having Elizabeth do things like keep me stocked on money, ammo, and salt, as well as make cover/turrets/health, really picked up the pace of the game, since I had to spend less time looting. However, there were a few times that she would throw a coin through buildings, or at strange angles, and I even thought a saw her, for a split second, with her head at some weird angle, or falling, on for her to snap back to normal. I also am really interested in the “tears”, as I’m sure everyone is.

Another weird thing I noticed was the skyhook sections. Sometimes I would only have a split second to attach to new rail that was right in front of me, while other time, I would jump halfway across the map and back again by accident. Not that this was a bad thing, just a bit jarring.

In terms of all the new weapons and vigors, I’ve found my main combos: pistol/sniper with possession/shocky jokey. I did have fun with the bucking broncos vigor, but the shocky jockey reduces enemies to ash, which keeps the post-battle clutter down (fewer bodies).

As for lore, I found the codebook in the cannon, which gave me my first real sidequest, and a MASSIVE smile on my face. When I got to the bathroom, I tipped the hat and really liked the room that I discovered. The recordings, as well as the Hall of Heroes, do a great job of showing how awful Comstock is. The recordings also gave a glimpse into the thoughts of Daisy as the year went on. Slate’s story was interesting (and I really liked how the Hall of Heroes gave a timeline for Columbia and Comstock (although I do have some questions about Comstock’s age), and the final choice is pretty gruesome (I chose the mercy kill, FYI).

Elizabeth’s reaction to Booker saying what his job is, while understandable, a bit much. And because of it, I have to take this detour getting guns for a rebel faction AND figure out where she went.