Bioshock Infinite (Jaclyn)

As I continue to play through Bioshock Infinite, I’ve noticed the somewhat large role that women play in the story. Although the character you play as, Booker Dewitt, is a man, several important supporting characters are women, such as Elizabeth and Daisy. Booker’s missions are centered around Elizabeth, such as saving her and bringing her to different locations. After Dewitt rescues Elizabeth, she becomes somewhat of a sidekick to the protagonist, providing helpful supplies in battles and leading Dewitt in the right direction in his missions. On a number of occasions, Elizabeth saved Dewitt in battle (at least while I was playing), by providing health, ammunition, and salts when he was running low, which allowed him to complete several missions he may not have been able to complete otherwise. Clearly, Elizabeth is an essential character to both the plot and the game play of Bioshock Infinite.

Other important female characters in the game are Daisy and Mrs. Comstock. Players learn that Daisy is the supposed killer of Mrs. Comstock, Father Comstock’s wife. These female characters add depth to the game’s plot. In addition to these characters, there are a number of women seen around Columbia, providing a fair representation of both women and men.

I think that Bioshock Infinite fairly incorporates women into the game through its prominent and supporting female characters. A few weeks ago, we read a number of articles about the representation of women in video games. These articles mostly argued that women in video games are under-represented, over-sexualized, and that there are not enough female protagonists in video games. However, Bioshock Infinite does a great job of showing female characters in important roles in the story, namely Elizabeth and Daisy. None of these women are over-sexualized or in the game simply to appeal to male players. Rather, they play an essential role to the gameplay and plot of the game. For example, Elizabeth helps Dewitt move through the game and also has special powers and a special identity. She is pretty, but wears appropriate clothing and has proportional body parts. Overall, I think Bioshock Infinite has a really fair representation of women throughout the game.

4 Responses

  1. Hyewon Hong says:

    While I agree that female characters do play a large role in the story, I feel like it doesn’t really apply in the case of Elizabeth. For the most part she seems like a stereotypical damsel in distress that Booker has to keep looking after/literally saves from a tower. While she does have her cool moments, like the tears, she is also not as powerful as I’d like her to be. (Until she gets too powerful and you need to go chase her down again). I agree with Daisy though cause shes just a boss.

  2. Josephine Bossidy says:

    I agree with your point on BioShock doing a good job to implement woman into their game. I think allowing Elizabeth to have abilities that Booker doesn’t have makes her an important component to succeeding in the game. Additionally, the way at least Elizabeth (I haven’t gotten as far as you have) is portrayed is rather appropriate. The dress she wears is conservative and her image would never be a distraction to the game.

  3. Micaela Willoughby says:

    While I do enjoy that women are incorporated into the story’s plot, Elizabeth has super-powers (because of science) and yet she still behaves like a damsel. Just look at her run-cycle, she runs very daintily. I can’t help but be a tad annoyed with her and I can’t really pinpoint why. I like that she’s the key to all of the shenanigans because it makes her important, I guess I just wish she were tougher. (Though, given life-long shelteredness, I guess it makes sense).

  4. Rachel Helbling says:

    I also agree that bioshock infinite does a good job of having female representation in the game. Although Booker does save her, she proves to be very important in the game. She helps Booker out when he is struggling. Also, unlike some females in video games she is dressed and represented appropriately and plays a large rule in the game.