Monthly Archives for October 2018

Violence in Games/ BioShock (James)

CORRELATION DOES NOT PROVE CAUSATION. If anyone has taken any psychology class ever, every teacher makes sure that this fact is hammered into your head. Reading through these articles, it seems that people were looking for a singular scape goat for all the problems of violence that happen, but when something happens there are multiple […]

VG Violence

Aside from playing Pokemon and Mario on my gameboy, the shooter genre was my first taste of the world of video games. I would play Halo, GTA, and COD with my much older cousins (to my mother’s dismay) and have a good time while they kicked my ass in multiplayer. I’ve been surrounded by these […]

Portal Ending

More so than the difficulty of the game, though it was incredibly difficult don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed how the game set up its world. particularly in the last chamber/escape route when Chell is running away and getting to the heart of GLADUS, I loved the one part where GLADUS said something like […]

Ending of Portal

The last few levels of portal got pretty hard, the addition of the rocket launcher bot. I’m not proud of it but for the longest time I thought I had to kill it. I even tried making it shoot itself but it just didn’t. After I finally realized I had to make it shoot the […]

Portal (Chambers 18-19) (Final)

Ahh, it’s finally here, the end of Portal. Where we get to go outside the tests, go against GLaDOS, and defeat her. The only things between us and the credits are the 2 longest levels in the game, and I mean longest. These last levels easily take more time than chambers 00-15 combined. Not that it was a bad thing. […]

Portal: The End (Micaela)

I’m writing this immediately after playing, so these thoughts are fairly fresh. Therefore, I may be missing a whole bunch of key information/clues/analysis. That said: I’m so mad. I worked really hard getting Chell out of the lab, and what happens? I am unable to move when the time is right and Chell gets dragged […]

Ending of Portal (James)

I finally get the pleasure of discussing the final part of Portal, you have no idea the pain of holding what happened in. So, the end of the game was much harder than any previous levels. It was a great culmination of everything that we learned throughout the game and I never truly felt any […]

Ending of Portal (Rachel)

These last two levels were by far the most difficult for me. They were very long and time consuming, it took me quite a while to complete the game compared to all of the other levels. There were many points throughout playing were I was VERY frustrated. I still liked the challenge and the puzzle […]

Ending of Portal

When it came to the last chambers in Portal they became increasingly troublesome for me. Perhaps it’s due to my lack of experience playing games like this and the fact that I was a poor student in physics. In these chambers I found the multiple rooms and halls to be a confusing aspect. It became […]

11-17 Chambers

Obviously after playing 0-10 chambers portal seemed to be a pretty easy game. When the gun evolved into allowing you to shoot two portals the game changed and obviously became way more difficult. Test chambers eleven and twelve were both very simple. They just require you to shoot portals in certain positions and move blocks. […]