VG Violence

Aside from playing Pokemon and Mario on my gameboy, the shooter genre was my first taste of the world of video games. I would play Halo, GTA, and COD with my much older cousins (to my mother’s dismay) and have a good time while they kicked my ass in multiplayer. I’ve been surrounded by these violent video games my entire life, but I’m not violent because of them. Not to mention that studies continually reject the theory that they do. Hijacking cars, blowing shit up, and etc. in video games does not make me want to do so in real life. Here’s a theory, the older generation (just like with all others) is blindly trying to find something wrong with video games and demean it. Until you have actual hard evidence that playing these games affects our brains and psyche, stay in your lane and leave us gamers be 🙂

4 Responses

  1. James Bachmann says:

    This is the most passive/non-passive aggressive post. I do agree that with anything, when something new comes along, the older generation tends to demonize it. I have a feeling though that when we become the older generation, that we as well will attack the newest thing. In the end though, leave us gamers be.

  2. Hyewon Hong says:

    I think its mainly the change that comes along with it. Violent movies are rated higher than non violent movies and I think that video games has this stigma that EVERYONE plays it which makes parents worried. Correlation does not inherently equal causation and I feel that a lot of these points are made up to try to cause controversy or to contribute something before its too late.

  3. Ahsan Ahmad says:

    My personal experience with games would be similar to this. I don’t think that games have made me less empathetic or more inclined to be violent at all. As Carson noted, it could just be the older generation trying to criticize the gamers just because they do not participate in the act themselves, like with anything else. On the other hand, while not desensitization, I would say that games have made me less squeamish to gore and violence.

  4. Shanay Amin says:

    I totally agree with this post, unlike you I started playing shooters a little later, mainly because I wasn’t allowed to play them. When I did I definitely didn’t see a change in any of my behavior. I also think that the older generation is just trying to find faults in this games just to make our generation stop.