Ending of Portal

The last few levels of portal got pretty hard, the addition of the rocket launcher bot. I’m not proud of it but for the longest time I thought I had to kill it. I even tried making it shoot itself but it just didn’t. After I finally realized I had to make it shoot the other room shield through a portal. Before the final boss battle GLAdos started to really annoy me, she kept giving me death threats which I didn’t like. Even though the rooms were much tougher I did like the change of color. The old rusted red theme was a happy change because I was a little tired of staring at the white, black and blue colors before. I thought the final Glados fight was repetitive, but I get why they did that, most video game boss battles are the same thing over and over again. Also, the Cake wasn’t a lie ! I saw the cake, and I really wanted a piece, sadly I couldn’t get it which was so frustrating. So maybe it was a lie, im not sure. The last scene was a little disappointing, first Chell is getting dragged away slightly paralyzed and, not real questions we discussed in class were really answered. There were a frustrating amount of plot holes, but I guess they will be fixed in portal 2 and the comics. I liked the end credit song, the tune was catchy but in my option the song was a little weird.

I really did enjoy playing portal, If I was better with the keyboard and mouse I would have defiantly had a less frustrating time with this game a whole. The puzzles were fun and the many different ways you could solve them just added to the allure of the game. I would like tp play portal 2 to learn more about what was going on in that factory, but mainly why that man thought the cake was a lie !

3 Responses

  1. Carson Clark says:

    The change of scenery was like a breath of rusty air. Also ditto with the rocket launcher I had no clue what I had to do with it for an ungodly amount of time. Ditto again about the boss battle, nothing special but hey at least there was a time limit to liven things up. Overall a great and very different game with a mysterious backstory. Hope to play the second installment eventually.

  2. Alexander Clinton says:

    The rocket launcher was something else. That was not a fun adventure. I thought when GLAdos was talking before the boss fight was very funny. I was a little confused as to the ending when Chell is levitated out with GLAdos’ remains. I agree that I think we would figure out a lot more from playing Portal 2 and reading the comics.

  3. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    I agree that the ending was kind of confusing, but I kind of liked that it left a bunch of questions unanswered. It leaves the game open to interpretation to an extent. For example, the fact that we received no answers about who Chell was leads us to make some interesting guesses about who she really is.