Ending of Portal (James)

I finally get the pleasure of discussing the final part of Portal, you have no idea the pain of holding what happened in. So, the end of the game was much harder than any previous levels. It was a great culmination of everything that we learned throughout the game and I never truly felt any section in the puzzle game was impossible. Sure, there were hard parts that I struggled with, but I never felt that it was getting out of hand in difficulty. The whole change of scenery and going through the inner workings of the building was really cool, but the nagging from Glados over what you were doing was annoying at time. It was a great time though, even though what was “two” rooms felt more like 8.

The boss battle against Glados was enjoyable, but was kind of a let down. The repetition of just firing the same rocket at Glados to knock off her heads and throwing them into the incinerator was boring after you got it the first time. It did not really live up to the challenge that the previous levels had put in front of us and made us go through. The enjoyable part though was seeing the different personalities that Glados was going through as you destroyed one head after another. It gave me a real oh shit moment after destroying the first head because thats when I knew it was on. Otherwise, I feel like the developers could have made it more challenging.

Now the most interesting part is actually after you “destroy” Glados. The reason it is so interesting, is because first off, you get blown out of the building and thrown outside. With this, you get your first glimpse of the outside world. Not only that, someone or something drags you away, leaving you on a cliff hanger on where are you being taken. Second, the end credits revealing that Glados is alive and doing well, as well as there was cake was creepy, fascinating, and funny (only because of the cake). It was a great moment when the camera pans through the shelves upon shelves of Glados heads, all identical to the ones you destroyed, which represents that Glados is not going away anytime soon. In my opinion, they ended Portal perfectly, with enough information given and still hidden to both satisfy the player and hold their attention with the cliff hangar.

3 Responses

  1. Alexander Clinton says:

    I like your idea with GLAdos not going away anytime soon. I also agree that I liked how they left it off. It makes you want to know more and to play Portal 2.

  2. Wogan Snyder says:

    I agree with your assessment of the game as being challenging but not disgustingly so. Furthermore, the ending definitely sparked my interest in revisiting Portal 2 to learn more.

  3. Jaclyn Kemly says:

    I actually thought the game was really challenging, but I’m also not an experienced gamer. This made the ending a lot more satisfying for me because I felt like I could finally take out my frustration on Gladdos, the cause of my frustration. At the same time, I didn’t really expect the game to have an epic boss battle because I was only focused on solving the puzzles, so I didn’t mind that it was repetitive.