Portal Chambers 11-17

I didn’t have the best experience playing Portal chambers 11-17. I actually replayed chambers 1-10 first because I had played them the first time without a mouse and with the sound off. Since I already knew how to complete the levels and could see the chambers a lot better with the use of a mouse, I flew through these levels. I was optimistic when I got to level 11, but I was too quick to assume that the next few chambers would be as easy as the previous ones. By the time I finally figured out that I needed to pick up the double portal gun, I had developed some serious motion sickness. After that, playing chambers 12-17 was kind of miserable for me. The levels were a lot longer and a lot more challenging, and I felt lightheaded and nauseous the entire time. I started to lose my patience when I died about 5 times in a row on level 14, and after spending 20 minutes on level 15 and feeling extremely sick, I gave up and looked up walk throughs for the last three chambers.

I found the sound effects frustrating for these chambers, particularly the background music. Maybe its because I wasn’t feeling great and spent a long time on these levels, but I didn’t think the sound effects were enhancing the game at all. I also didn’t know what to make of Glados’ comments. She contradicted herself from level to level and never said anything particularly helpful. I thought it was ironic when she made the comment about passing out from motion sickness on level 13 because I seriously thought I was going to by the end of it. I understand that Glados plays a role in explaining the objectives and plot of the game, but I think I enjoyed playing the game more the first time around when I had the sound off and didn’t know Glados existed.

3 Responses

  1. Rachel Helbling says:

    I agree with your point about the sound effects in the game. The comments that glados was making were confusing and made no sense. I agree that the sound effects wernt really doing anything for the game. I wanted to turn the sound off so badly during the level with the little robots, I was really frustrated on this level and the things they kept saying were really annoying.

  2. Josephine Bossidy says:

    I agree that the difficulty of chambers 11-17 was greatly increased from chamber 0-10. Maybe it is because I was a new player in this game but for me, the levels were all taking a very long time. I too struggled with sometimes finding the object of each chamber which was frustrating and made the game not very enjoyable.

  3. Shanay Amin says:

    I agree that this section of chambers were a lot harder and longer than the one previous. I can also see how this game can start frustrating any player. Video games are known to frustrate a lot of players, and in all honesty this might be the reason. I feel your struggle with not playing with a mouse, thats how I got through the first 10 levels and that was extremely frustrating. Even though I had a mouse for these levels the game was still a lot harder. I am scared to see what the next few levels have in store for us.