Portal Chambers 11-17 (Jeremy)

I think it goes without saying that these levels are much more difficult to complete than the first ten chambers. I understand that the first ten chambers are tutorial chambers, but I had a very difficult time completing these chambers after 13. In my defense, I did not have a mouse with me for this assignment so it might not be as bad if I had the necessary resources. I spent a good amount of time completing chambers 11 through 15 which was a blessing in disguise because I got to learn from my mistakes and understand more of the game mechanics. The game was easier for me to play after each chamber. For chambers 16 and 17, you have to think outside the box for the most part. I had to consider physics involving the parts where I had to figure out how to move the electric ball into the socket.

After trial and error, I finished all of the chambers. Even though I was frustrated by dying repeatedly, it went away as soon as I completed the chamber. Not only is this game entertaining to play, but it is highly satisfying. At least for me, puzzle games are the most satisfying because you don’t have to rely as much on strategy and luck and instead have to rely on your brain for figuring out the best way to complete the chamber.

There were a few things that were introduced in these chambers that I was interested in. Firstly, the attacking robots are a great addition to me. I was confused at first when I saw the laser, but I went around the corner to see what it was, I knew it was another obstacle the game was introducing me to. The robots are fitting to the atmosphere. They do not look scary or lifelike and instead look like dull robots meant to be used in the experiment. I can’t wait to see more of these robots in the near future. Another new feature was the incinerator. At first I didn’t know how it was supposed to be used so I just followed the instructions and it opened up a door. I think this is a cool feature and can prove to be harder obstacle in the future depending on the chamber. Regardless, I thought it was cool and also hope to see it more in the future.

I feel like this game is really starting to pick up and more challenging chambers are going to be coming soon. I can’t wait to see more of the creativity that went into the game by introducing more elaborate obstacles.

3 Responses

  1. Rachel Helbling says:

    I agree that these levels were definitely more difficult than the previous levels, it took me much longer to complete these levels. Even though some of them were frustrating I still really enjoyed playing them. I also think puzzle games are the best and most satisfying especially after completing the level. I can’t wait to see what other obstacles are next.

  2. Micaela Willoughby says:

    I was so frustrated with some of these chambers! I actually rage quit and picked it back up the next day. It wasn’t that I wasn’t able to figure out the puzzle, but the platformer aspect (the execution) was what I struggled with, haha. I kept falling in the poison, missing the portal I had to shoot mid-air. It was tough! But honestly, I enjoyed the toughness. I really love how this game makes me think.

  3. Ahsan Ahmad says:

    For me, the difficulty picked up super hard starting from the laser robots chamber (16, was it?). I managed to box my way around for a bit of that level but when I discovered the big stash of boxes and the following room with 3 laser robots, I gave up and resorted to looking at a walkthrough. That’s when I learnt that you actually had to use everything you were given and had to stack up all of the boxes and make kinda of a portable fort in front of the robot. Not only that, but then you had to salvage half those boxes for the next part of the puzzle. The next chamber was even more difficult, but less frustrating and irritating. It involved more thinking than trial and error and I had a really fun time fiddling around with it. The amount of thought put into designing these is actually amazing.