Author: Fred Page 1 of 10

Instructors: are your student photos not showing up?

Multiple faculty have reported that student photos are not working.  First off, it should only be available for those who are an “instructor” in an academic course (Course ID begins with 201510_).

So far we have found that all issues were the result of a copied course from a past semester into a new one.  This is completely okay, but the instructor must acknowledge the notification message in the new course that the copy had completed.  An example of this is shown below.  Please click the “X” button in the upper, right-hand corner of the orange notification bar and then you should be able to get student photos in the future.

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 12.09.13 PM


Blackboard Availability Issue and Restart at 3pm Today (Monday, July 6)!

Due to recent changes in web browsers’ security settings for software updates, people cannot access UR Blackboard if they are using the most recent versions of Firefox (Mac and Windows, versions 31.8.0 ESR and 39.0). For more information on the details, you can search the Web for “Diffie-Hellman” or logjam in world technology news.

Currently, the best workaround is to use a different web browser (such as Google Chrome, Safari, or MS IE). If you are on campus, you can use a campus public computer lab or the Boatwright Library computers as they are unaffected.

Please note that we will need a short outage of Blackboard at 3pm today to fix the problem. Please plan your UR Blackboard use accordingly so you will not be affected by the outage.  For example, please do not take an online test that will run over the 3pm window today!

Access Denied Error for BB Mobile Learn App

If you are accessing UR Blackboard via the Mobile Learn app (available on iOS and Android – free app but with an in-app purchase), you may have noticed an Access Denied error message when trying to do certain things like sending an email, checking the calendar, or accessing your grades (see snapshot from an iPad below).  If you get this, please notice there is a Login button at the bottom of the window with the error message that you can tap in order to login with your netid and password in order to access the particular content.

We apologize for this problem and having to use this workaround. We are working with Blackboard to see if this can be remedied.

Snapshot of Access Denied Error Message in BB Mobile Learn App

Retaining Grades and Student Materials

Sixty days after the last day of each semester, instructors’ students will disappear from that semester’s Blackboard courses. In general, this means students will disappear from fall courses early the next February and will disappear from spring courses in the following July.

So if you are an instructor using Blackboard, we strongly recommend that you create an archive of your course that you retain and that you also download students’ grades and discussion board interactions.  The best time o do this is after instructors have completed grading but before the 60-day mark arrives.

Other than student interactions and grades, all materials will remain in your course until you request its removal or five years has passed (whichever comes first).

Download Grades

To download your grades, in Grade Center go to WorkofflineDownload and save the full Grade Center. On the next screen, be sure to hit Download instead of OK.

Update Regarding Blackboard Mobile Learn Changes

Note: if you have feedback about these announced changes, please visit the feedback form .

As mentioned in a previous post to this new site, Blackboard Inc. is discontinuing the no-cost mobile access to UR Blackboard via the company’s Apple and Android apps.  This change began the afternoon of September 17th with the availability of an iOS upgrade to the Blackboard Mobile Learn application via the Apple App Store.

Note: at the time of this announcement posting, the “old” iOS app for Blackboard Mobile Learn still works with UR Blackboard without requiring the in-app subscription of $1.99 per year or $5.99 for life  licensing.  One theory is that as long as you do not update the application through iTunes or the App Store, it may continue to give access to UR Blackboard until it is explicitly disabled or becomes incompatible.    The obvious downside is that the “old” app is/was restricted to wi-fi access for iOS users and cellular data access for Sprint users (and no access for other carriers).  Another negative is that it would not receive new features as the app developer adds them.

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