My View of Comedy

Comedy, to me, is the good-humored joking around that will make someone laugh out loud. I do not find many tv shows or stupid humor movies funny such as : Step Brothers, How I Met Your Mother, or Tosh.O. I think that this type of humor attracts a specific type of humor that I just don’t find fascinating. I don’t know why but I have never been able to get into those types of shows and movies. Another type of humor that I don’t get are the videos on youtube. For instance, apparently everyone finds the cat videos hilarious, for some reason I don’t understand that type of humor either. My favorite type of humor is the type between friends. When someone does something stupid or embarrassing then we all laugh and then we make inside jokes about it. It is hard for me to go to a movie or watch a tv show and find something extremely hilarious to the point where I am crying from laughter. That being said, I find a lot of things in real life that are extremely funny where I do find myself crying. These types of things are the ones that happen randomly and not something that has been rehearsed or whatnot. There are some shows that I find funny, such as Drew Carry’s Improv-a-ganza and some stand-up. The best jokes come randomly and not planned, and that is what makes them funny, to me.

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