Time of the Pirahã Tribe

I have chosen to research the fascinating Pirahã Tribe, a group of roughly 420 hunter-gatherers that resides on the banks of the Maici River in Brazil. What I found remarkable was the fact that this tribe does not know the concept of numbers or even written language. They speak in a series of whistles, hums, and very few, succinct phrases as a means of communication, especially while hunting in the Amazonian jungles. Because of their drastic limitations of language, they do not have a past tense built into any forms of communication. The tribe lives in the now, with their attention only being focused on the present and not the past nor the future. With no possibility of discussing the past, the tribe essentially believes that the past ceases to exist. This culture is clearly something remarkable, sparking an interest for me to delve deeper into the rarity of this primitive civilization.

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