Category: SubTech2016

A Brief History of SubTech

SubTech In the Beginning By Marc Lauritsen – May 2016 The idea of an international conference around ‘substantive’ legal technology in legal education and practice arose in conversations between Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and me at Harvard Law School circa 1988. Viktor was then an LL.M. candidate. I was a clinical teacher who served as ‘director of …

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Preliminary Program for SubTech Conference

We’re pleased to announce a preliminary program for SubTech 2016.  During the conference, we’re planning a series of plenary sessions, with sufficient flexibility to adapt content to incorporate participant ideas and collaborative conversations. Here’s a brief list of planned plenary sessions, as of early May 2016 updated for June 16. The State of ‘Substantive Technology’ in …

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The SubTech Way: Context for an Unconventional Conference

With SubTech2016 set to start in around two months, we want to share context to this unconventional conference.  We are preparing to announce details for workshops, collaboration opportunities and our discussion framework.  Unti then, read this background piece explaining “The SubTech Way” developed over the years… The SubTech Way This conference series is dedicated to substantive applications …

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SubTech2016 Conference Schedule – A Collaborative Framework

SubTech 2016, happening July 7-9, is an invitational ‘unconference’ about applications of information technology to law teaching or practice that involve substantive legal content.  The conference agenda is both collaborative and participant-driven.  We have developed a draft conference framework, and we invite your feedback and input. View the SubTech 2016 Schedule as of June 16 2016. …

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Express Your Interest in Participating in SubTech 2016

  SubTech 2016, happening July 7-9, is an invitational ‘unconference’ about applications of information technology to law teaching or practice that involve substantive legal content. Artificial intelligence, computer-aided instruction, practice systems, research, and Web-based applications are typical examples. By “law teaching” we mean all contexts in which law is studied and taught, not just traditional …

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Announcing SubTech 2016: July 7-9 in Richmond, Virginia

SubTech 2016 will be held in Richmond Virginia from July 7 to 9.  Mark your calendars and get ready. All activities will be held in and around the UR Downtown location. The campus location is near several major hotels, and is walking distance from the Virginia State Capitol, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth …

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