Beckman Scholar

Congratulations to Najwa Labban on her recent installment as a University of Richmond Beckman Scholar! Najwa has been a joint student in the Pollock and Leopold labs since the summer after her first year. She has performed enzyme expression, purification, and assay...

2017 Holiday Party

Another semester finished. Another calendar year done. Another successful Pollock lab holiday party. Unfortunately we were not in full force (study abroad, exam preparation, etc.), but we have a fun time eating lunch and decorating ornaments. Good luck to everyone on...

SERMACS 2017 – Student Perspective

Probably the best feedback on a conference comes from the students who are experiencing it for the first or second time. So without further ado, here is their thoughts on the talks they attended! Enjoy! TVS (Patrick, Malik, Ritwika) poster 2SERMACS 2017 Kiana presents...

Fall Science Symposium 2017

The Fall Science Symposium on University of Richmond’s campus took place on September 22, 2017. Although this post is a bit delayed, the students did an excellent job presenting their research. I find this symposium to be a great one for student presentations...

A summer of mutations…

…protein mutations. For a couple of projects this summer, the students were tasked to generate mutations of our proteins of interest. For those of you who have produced mutations before, you know that it take a number of steps including primer design, PCR,...

Summer 2017 Lab Party

As it has become tradition, we had a lab party at Pollock’s house to celebrate the middle of the summer research period. We ate good food, played badminton and frisbee, and talked about binge-able TV shows. The weather was beautiful and besides a few bug bites,...