Gottwald WIS Book Club

Gottwald Science Center is home to the chemistry, biology, and physics departments at the University of Richmond and one of the things I love most about my job is my colleagues that inhabit this building with me; the conversations about teaching, research, and life...

Summer Research 2016

The summer session of research at University of Richmond has officially started! Three undergraduate researchers, Hyejin, Maddie, and Kiana, are hard at work in the Pollock lab. James will join them next week. Here’s to a productive summer #2 in Gottwald Science...

A&S Symposium 2016

The University of Richmond celebrated undergraduate research with the 31st Annual Student Symposium on Friday, April 15, 2016. Five members of the Pollock lab presented posters: Hyejin, Maddie, James, Thanh, and Kristen. Great job!   Maddie Thanh James Kristen...