I am happy and honored to say that I have officially been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor! It has been a whirlwind of work, stress, fun, and every emotion over the past 6 years since I started at University of Richmond.

  • Thank you to my colleagues for their support in my classes and research and for protecting me from too much service. Thank you for the good, the bad, and the ugly of department meetings that are always fueled by how we can do best for our students. Thank you for writing a very supportive letter for my tenure package.
  • Thank you to my previous mentors – from Hope College to Duke University to University of Illinois for guiding me along this path and pushing me to learn and grow.
  • Thank you to my collaborators from all the stages in my career, especially those that have continued to collaborate with me since I started at UR and those who I started to collaborate with once I got here. Thank you for expanding my love of science and making the work I do better by bringing along your expertise.
  • Thank you to all the people at UR that I have served on committees alongside and the chairs that wrote letters on my behalf.
  • Thank you to the external reviewers who took the time to read my manuscripts and to comment on my productivity and contributions to the greater scientific community.
  • Thank you to the A&S tenure and promotion committee for reading my package and writing a supportive letter. Thank you to the administrators at UR – my dean, provost, and president as well as the board of trustees – for the support and making it official.
  • Thank you to all of the students that have been in my classes for the past 6 years especially those that wrote letters for my package. I know I have high expectations but I am grateful that you have risen to them. Your enthusiasm is why I love being a professor at a primarily undergraduate institution.
  • Thank you to the members of the Pollock lab – you are my motivation for the research. You keep me excited about the work and I love all that you have accomplished. Your data helped all of this happen.
  • Lastly, thank you to my friends and family. You are simply the best support system I could wish for. I love you!
