Surveillance- Caroline Rowe

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Surveillance is the act of being watched or monitored by something or someone. Surveillance can have many different forms, as with today’s modern technology there are many ways that people can be watched. As mentioned in the reading, when first thinking of surveillance we tend to think of devices such as security cameras, tracking devices, etc. All these technological devices exist because of modern technology that have allowed people of all ages and occupations, whether that be FBI agents or parents or teenagers, to have surveillance over people. Parents can use the app Life360 or Find Friends to track their children and have constant surveillance over their whereabouts. I also thought it was interesting how in the reading it was mentioned that reality TV can be seen as a form of surveillance. For example, on Keeping up with the Kardashians they have sacrificed their privacy for this television program and they are constantly being filmed by a crew. Famous people in general have given up privacy and experience surveillance heavily as they are always being photographed or listened to by paparazzi and the general public.

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