Mimi Bainbridge “Agency” Post

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As described in our class discussion, on their own, both humans and technology don’t have enough autonomy to make meaningful change on her own. Agency is created through the action of humans and technology working together. For example, both groups are brought together once a statement is typed into google and the ENTER button is pushed. Agency can be found across a multitude of social media platforms and apps including Instagram, TikTok, and Apple Music. Based off certain actions that a user continues to take as they access the app, the technology will begin to offer up certain ads or posts that they believe will relate to the user in some way. Personally, I have experienced advertisements for particular clothing brands that I have either liked a post from or visited the website of before. Through my Apple Music account, I have also been offered certain song recommendations for my playlists or been shown a list of songs “Apple Music” feels as though I would enjoy.

3 thoughts on “Mimi Bainbridge “Agency” Post

  1. Gwendolyn Savidge

    I agree that agency can be found throughout many different social media platforms and internet servers; however, I also believe that different servers and platforms have more agency than others. As more searches are made, the data base becomes larger and has more information and connections. For example, Instagram and google will have more connections and knowledge than other networks such as a newer Tik Tok. I agree with your example of clothing brands being suggested on Instargam or on ads on google, because they store the past searches and uses it to gain traction online because ultimately they want the most interaction.

  2. Marielle Dibbini

    I agree that agency is present throughout social media platforms. I really liked how you discussed the relationship humans have with technology. When searching for something online, humans are forming a connection with technology, which is agency. I think agency can be seen as similar to algorithms because both describe a connection that has been made through past searches. For instance, our instagram explore page has been developed through the action of searching for something specific. When humans search for something specific, there is an internal searching process that we are not able to see, which is the role of technology. This combination is agency and the outcome of multiple searches is our personal algorithm.

  3. Chloe Fandetti

    I agree that agency is created by humans and technology working together, as they do not have enough autonomy to make meaningful change on their own. It’s true that agency is present on many different social media platforms. Tik Tok cannot create a personalized “For You Page” without users interacting with videos, just as users cannot watch videos they’re interested in without the TikTok algorithm. I’ve encountered many personalized advertisements on social media, too, based on my search history or interaction history. While the personalization makes the app experience more convenient and enjoyable, I think it also underscores how the media we consume is heavily influenced by technology and data collection.

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